I was first introduced  to World Wide Art Books in 2016, by a fellow artist and good  friend.

After submitting several images for review, I was notified of my acceptance in Volume 11 of International Contemporary Masters, curated by Despina Tunberg. Upon it’s arrival, I was extremely impressed by the excellent design and layout, as well as the high quality of the printing.

Shortly after, I began receiving invitations via e-mail, from galleries both national as well as international, requesting my participation. As a result, I have exhibited in several galleries in Chelsea, NYC, as well as galleries in various areas of Long Island, where I currently reside.

My next publication was in Important World Artists, Vol. 2, which was followed by invitations to show in Vienna, Austria, Germany, and Italy.  In May, 2018, having accepted the invitation, I was one of the recipients of the Raffaello Award, in Bologna, Italy.  This prestigious award was shared with fellow artists from around the world, several of which have become close friends. I firmly believe that the exposure World Wide Art Books has provided me with, has opened up opportunities which  otherwise would not have been as readily accessible.