The simple answer to a non-artist and an artist is yes.

I am an award-winning artist with extensive and prestigious accolades; however, until recently I was not exhibiting at the levels I knew my works should be exhibiting. After many invitations from WWAB to include my work in their publications, I finally decided to give them a try.  What did I have to lose.

I began exhibiting at the Las Vegas Museum where several copies of past WWAB were free for the taking of the visiting public and gallery owners. “WWBA send their books free to an extensive list of art galleries, agents, and festival organizations both here and internationally.” Artists published in the WWAB are given free copies to distribute or sell as needed.

During that exhibition the book containing photos of my work was released. Within a few weeks, an art representative from Florence, Italy contacted me.  I was asked to exhibit the images they saw in World Wide Art Books. Through this contact I have shown in their EU TOUR OF ART appearing in exhibitions in Florence, London, Paris, Venice, Milano, Lake Como and Cannes.

I began to receive invitations to exhibit from many venues, many of which I turned down and several of which I have accepted. When asked how did the representative know about my work, I was constantly told my work was seen first in the INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY MASTERS XII chronicle curated by Despina Tunberg through the World Wide Art Books.

I now also have representation in Vienna Austria with an exhibition Shanghai China directly related to publishing with World Wide Art Books.